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+ 251 911 159251
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Academic Background
Summary of Experience
"I am working for the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research as a researcher under
the horticulture research department mainly in the potato research program based at Holetta research center where I am leading a team of 20 staffs composed of researchers, technicians and field workers. I completed my Bsc. Degree in plant sciences from the then Alemaya University of Agriculture in 1995 and Msc degree in Horticulture from G.P.Pant Univ. of Agriculture and Technology, India in 2003 where I have got a comprehensive knowledge about horticultural crops from production to consumption, marketing and economic values. I also obtained a Ph.D. degree from Addis Ababa University, in Plant Biology and Biodiversity Management in 2019 where my research focused on environmentally friendly and economical integrated disease management of horticultural crop.

I have more than 25 years of work experience in horticulture research where developing and
transferring technologies to improve the production, productivity, and utilization of potato as a food security and income-generating crop for millions of smallholder farmers that will help me to design implementation modalities for any horticultural commodity covering the value chains of each stakeholder such as input supply, technology generation, production, processing, marketing, etc. for linking smallholder farmers with large scale modern horticultural farming in the country. I am also familiar in working in collaboration with different national and international stakeholders like MoA, NGOs, CGIAR-CIP, GiZ, etc under different project objectives in technology development and scaling out of the success stories involving the public Private Partnership."